Chemical Incompatibility - PHARMACEUTICS II  (Dispensing Pharmacy) D. Pharm 2nd year PDF Notes

Chemical Incompatibility - PHARMACEUTICS II (Dispensing Pharmacy) D. Pharm 2nd year PDF Notes

 Chemical incompatibility

q  Chemical Incompatibility may be result of chemical interactions between the ingredients of a prescription; as a result a toxic or inactive product may be formed.

q  It may be often occurs due to

·         Oxidation-reduction,

·         Acid-base hydrolysis or combination reactions,

·         Double decomposition reaction,

·         Complex formation or pH change

q  These reactions may be noticed by

·         Precipitation,

·         Effervescence,

·         Decomposition,

·         Colour change 

·         By explosion.

q  Chemical incompatibility may be intentional or accidental.

  1. Precipitate yielding interactions

      Alkaloidal incompatibilities

      Soluble salicylates incompatibilities

  1. Incompatibility leading to carbon dioxide evolution
  2. Herapathite reaction
  3. Miscellaneous

Precipitate yielding interactions

q  Generally it is observed that reactions between solutions precede at faster rate produces precipitates which are indiffusible in nature.

q  These precipitates will thick and do not diffuse readily.

q  The reactions between dilute solutions proceed slowly yielding a light diffusible precipitate.

q  The precipitate so formed may be diffusible.

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