Chemical Incompatibility - PHARMACEUTICS II (Dispensing Pharmacy) D. Pharm 2nd year PDF Notes
Chemical incompatibility
q Chemical Incompatibility may be result of chemical interactions between the ingredients of a prescription; as a result a toxic or inactive product may be formed.
q It may be often occurs due to
· Oxidation-reduction,
· Acid-base hydrolysis or combination reactions,
· Double decomposition reaction,
· Complex formation or pH change
q These reactions may be noticed by
· Precipitation,
· Effervescence,
· Decomposition,
· Colour change
· By explosion.
q Chemical incompatibility may be intentional or accidental.
- Precipitate yielding interactions
– Alkaloidal incompatibilities
– Soluble salicylates incompatibilities
- Incompatibility leading to carbon dioxide evolution
- Herapathite reaction
- Miscellaneous
Precipitate yielding interactions
q Generally it is observed that reactions between solutions precede at faster rate produces precipitates which are indiffusible in nature.
q These precipitates will thick and do not diffuse readily.
q The reactions between dilute solutions proceed slowly yielding a light diffusible precipitate.
q The precipitate so formed may be diffusible.
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