Definition, properties, classification and applications
Ø Definition
Ø Properties of enzymes
Ø Classification
Ø Application of enzymes
Ø Isolation of enzymes
Session Objectives
At the end of the session, student will be able to
Ø Describe the properties of enzymes
Ø Classify enzymes
Ø Discuss the various applications of enzymes
Ø Explain the different steps involved in isolation of enzymes
Ø Enzymes – soluble, colloidal organic catalysts - produced by living cells but are capable of acting independently of the cells
Ø Accelerates and catalyses thousands of biochemical reactions in the living cells
Ø Functional unit of cell metabolism
Ø Proteinaceous in nature
Enzymes - Properties
• Proteinaceous and High molecular weight – 12,000 – 1 million
• Colloidal in nature
• Soluble – water, buffer and dilute alcohol
• Insoluble – Conc. Alcohol, acetone and other organic solvent
• Highly selective and specific - action
• Required in small quantities relative to the substrate concentration
• 35˚ C - 40˚ C
• Temp above 65˚ C or 0˚ C – loss of catalytic activity – due to the disruption of polypeptide chains
• Hence stored - low temp - moisture free container
• Enzymes – require – a specific, heat stable, low molecular weight organic molecule – Coenzyme
• Some enzymes – coenzyme and one more metal ions - activity
• Does not change the final equilibrium position of reactions – only the rate of attainment of equilibrium - increased
Non protein part – co enzyme or metal (Prosthetic group) + Protein part (Apoenzyme) = Enzymes
Structure of enzyme
• Co enzymes – Coenzyme A, FAD, NAD
• Co factors – Glucose – 6-phosphate – Mg, Arginase – Mn
• Protein – Linear chain of amino acid residues joined - peptide bond
• Catalytic activity depends - L-amino acid sequence and peptide bond constituting the protein molecule
• Localized folding of primary structure – secondary structure
• Overall folding – molecule – tertiary structure
• Agglomeration of several folded chains – Quaternary structure
Enzymes – Classification
IUB classification:
1. Oxido reductases – catalyzing oxidation and reduction between two substrates
S reduced + S’ oxidized = S oxidized + S’ reduced
Eg. Alcohol dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase
2. Transferase - catalyzing – transfer of S, C, N, P other than H
S – G + S’ = S’- G +S
Eg. Hexokinase, acetyl transferase
3. Hydrolases - catalyzing – hydrolysis of ester, ether, peptides, glycosyl, C-C, C-halide bonds
Acylcholine + H2O = Choline + acid
Eg. Urease
4. Lyases – Catalyses removal of groups from substrates – other than hydrolysis leaving double bond – acts on C-C, C-O, C-N, C-S bond
Eg. Aldolase, fumerase
5. Isomerase – catalyses – interconversion – optical, geometric or positional isomers ---- Eg. Alanine isomerase
6. Ligases - an enzyme that can catalyze the joining of two large molecules by forming a new chemical bond, usually with accompanying hydrolysis of chemical group on one of the larger molecules. Eg. Pyruvate carboxylase, glutamine synthetase
Other method of classification
1. Extracellular enzymes or exoenzymes - secreted outside the cell
Eg. Cellulose, polyglucturonase
2. Intracellular enzymes or endoenzymes – secreted within the cell
Eg. Invertase, asparaginase
Medicinal applications
Digestive disorders-
Papain (Papaya)
Pancreatin (animal pancreas)
ß-Galactosidase (A. Oryzae)
Penicillinase (B. subtilis)
Deworming agents
Papain (Papaya)
Ficin (fig)
Anticancer agents
Asparginase (E coli, guinea pig)
Bromelain (Pineapple)
Anti-coagulant agents
Streptokinase (β-hemolytic strepto cocci)
Urokinase (Human urine)
Surface disinfectants
Trypsin (animal pancreas)
Diagnostic agents
Glucose isomerase (diabetes)
SGOT, SGPT, ALP (Liver disorders)
Upper Respiratory disorders
Chymotrypsin (Bovine pancreas)
Food industrial applications
Tenderization of meat
Papain (Papaya)
Bromelain (Pineapple)
Ice cream industry
Lactase (prevention of lactose crystals)
Beverage industry
Invertase (yeast)
Chacolate industry
Invertase (yeast)
Juice & wine processing
Industrial applications
Textile industry (Destarching)
Amylase (Bacteria, fungi)
Leather industry (Bating)
Proteolytic enzymes (Bacteria, and fungi)
Detergents (Destaining)
Paper industry (Bleaching of pulp)
Xylenase (Bacteria)
Cellulase (Bacteria)
Organic compounds
Enzymes - Production
Source of Enzymes: Living cells
1. Plant:Papain, Bromelain
2. Animal: Urokinase
3. Microorganism:
Advantages of microorganisms over other sources of enzymes
Ø Growth is very fast - Grown on medium containing cheap raw materials
Ø Genetic engineering and manipulations of microbial cell – possible – increase the yield of enzyme
Ø Large quantity of enzymes are produced
Ø Animal sacrifice can be minimized
Selection of microorganism:
Ø Non-pathogenic
Ø Should produce extra cellular enzymes
Ø Fermentation time should be less
Ø Must grow on medium with cheap raw material
Ø Must give high yield of enzymes
Ø Must be compatible with physical and chemical properties of medium
Ø Strain must not produce byproducts – inhibit the growth of m/o Aspergillus and Bacillus – industrial production
Isolation of enzymes
1. Extraction
Cell disintegration/ Cell disruption
Removal of lipids
2. Preparation of crude enzyme
Removal of nucleic acids
Addition of acid or base
3. Precipitation
Salting out method
Addition of organic solvents
Addition of non-ionic polymers
4. Purification
Chromatographic techniques
1. Extraction
Ø Liberation of enzyme from the cells or cellular constituents
Ø Break the cell wall or membrane – physical, chemical, mechanical
Ø Extraction medium : Buffer solution, Temperature and pH : Optimum
Modification of extraction medium: To achieve enzyme with maximum activity buffers can be modified by adding
EDTA (To remove heavy metals)
Mercapto ethanol (to prevent the breakage of disulphide bond of enzymes containing cystein amino acid)
Triton-X (cell disruption)
Disintegration of animal and plant tissues
Plant tissues: By using hammer mill/chopper mill
Animal tissues: Organs or in muscles
Minced - vertical cutter mixer
Colloidal mill
Cell disintegration
Ø Enzymes are biocatalysts, high mol.wt, Proteinaceous and water soluble compounds
Ø Activity is affected by temp, pH and heavy metals, specific in their action
Ø Classification according to IUMAB and site of action
Ø Enzymes have medicinal, food and industrial applications
Ø Main source is plant, animal and micro organisms
Ø Isolation involves extraction, preparation of crude enzyme, precipitation and purification