Stroke - B. Pharma 2nd Semester Pathophysiology notes pdf
• Etiology
• Pathophysiology
• Types of stroke
• Treatment
At the end of this PDF Notes, the students will be able to:
• Define stroke
• Classify stroke
• Explain the etiology of stroke
• Discuss the pathophysiology of stroke
What is STROKE?
• Sudden brain damage
• A stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel or artery, or when a blood vessel breaks, interrupting blood flow to an area of the brain
• Lack of blood flow to the brain caused by a clot or rupture of a blood vessel
Strokes occur in the brain and affect the opposite side of the body
National Stroke Association encourages everyone to spread awareness about stroke in May about how to:
- STOP primary and secondary stroke through risk factor management
- Act F.A.S.T. to increase recognition of and response to stroke symptoms
- Spread HOPE about recovery from stroke
May is National Stroke Awareness Month
• A leading cause of death in the United States
• 795,000 Americans suffer strokes each year
• 134,000 deaths each year
• From 1996 to 2006, the stroke death rate fell 33.5% and number of deaths fell by 18.4%
• A leading cause of adult disability
Types of Strok
Hemorrhagic Stroke
Ischemic Stroke
• Approximately 20% of the strokes are hemorrhagic in nature
• Most leading cause is high blood pressure occurring when a blood vessel bursts and blood accumulates
• Subarachnoid hemorrhage and
• Intracerebral hemorrhage
• Traumatic head injury
• Burst of cerebral aneurysm
• A defect of the circulatory system/a cluster of abnormally formed blood vessels (also called arteriovenous malformation or AVMs, usually inherited at birth)
1. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
• Subarachnoid hemorrhage - most severe form of a stroke - permanent disability or death
• It can happen suddenly when a major blood vessel bursts upon the surface of the brain causing spilling blood into the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain
• Due to bleeding, the amount of fluid increases in the affected area - enormous pressure on the whole brain - damage to the brain tissue
• Aneurysm is a ballooning of a weakened area of an artery and when left untreated the aneurysm can continuously become weakened until it ruptures and finally bleeds into the brain
• Burst aneurysm can lead to a sudden and severe headache, usually with a description of “thunderclap”
• CT scan or an MRI - detect the presence of subarachnoid hemorrhage
Intracerebral hemorrhage
• Intracerebral hemorrhage happens when there is a burst of a blood vessel in the brain - leaking of blood into the brain
• It is more common among people aged above 60 and can be most commonly caused by high blood pressure
• It can also be a result of infections, a burst aneurysm tumors or head injuries
• Ischemic stroke is a sudden loss of brain function and can be caused by partial or complete obstruction of a blood vessel supplying the brain
• Approximately 80% of strokes are ischemic in nature, and it occurs when there is a blockage inside the carotid arteries or in the vertebral arteries
• A fatty deposit (a plaque) or mass of blood cells (a clot) travelling in the blood can get trapped in a narrowed or small artery - obstruct blood flow - occurrence of a stroke
There are three types of Ischemic stroke:
- Lacunar stroke
- Thrombotic stroke
- Embolic stroke
1. Lacunar stroke:
• Lacunar stoke contributes to 25% of ischemic strokes and occurs when there is a blockage in one of the smaller blood vessels found inside the brain
• A “hole” of scar tissue is due to the blockage that starves a small part of the brain
• As only small portion of the brain is affected, lacunar stroke is usually hard to be diagnosed
2. Thrombotic stroke:
• It happens when the artery is clogged by plaque and hardens, or when a cholesterol-filled plaque of atherosclerosis especially in a brain (cerebral), carotid or vertebral artery breaks open - formation of a blood clot over the plaque obstructing blood flow
• Thrombus (blood clot) is a condition where the blockage seals off the blood vessel
3. Embolic Stroke:
• An embolus refers to a piece that breaks off and can block a blood vessel supplying the brain causing the occurrence of an embolic stroke which contributes 60% of ischemic strokes
• Unless the source is found and treated immediately, people with embolic strokes are at potential risk of another stroke/s
• Embolic strokes hit fast and sudden and are normally severe
- High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for strokes.
- Atrial fibrillation
- Diabetes mellitus
- Family history of stroke
- High cholesterol
- Increasing age, especially after age 55
- Race (black people are more likely to die of a stroke)
- People who have heart disease or poor blood flow in their legs caused by narrowed arteries
- Being overweight or obese
- Drinking heavily
- Eating too much fat or salt
- Smoking
- Taking cocaine and other illegal drugs
- Birth control pills can increase the chances of having blood clots. The risk is highest in woman who smoke and are older than 35
Signs & Symptoms
Sudden and severe headache
Trouble seeing in one or both eyes
Sudden dizziness
Trouble walking
Sudden confusion
Trouble speaking
Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg
• 3 Simple Questions
– Ask the person to smile
– Ask the person to raise both arms
– Ask the person to say a simple sentence “The sky is blue ”
• Diagnostic Testing
• CT or MRI of the brain
• Carotid Ultrasound
• Echocardiogram
• stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks a blood vessel or artery, or when a blood vessel breaks, interrupting blood flow to an area of the brain
• Hemorrhagic stroke occurs as a result of traumatic head injury, burst of cerebral aneurysm a defect of the circulatory system/a cluster of abnormally formed blood vessels
• Ischemic stroke occurs due to sudden loss of brain function and can be caused by partial or complete obstruction of a blood vessel supplying the brain by atherosclerotic plaque