
 Calibration of BOD Incubator

1.0      PURPOSE

            The purpose of the standard operating procedure is to provide guidelines for calibration of BOD Incubator.

2.0    SCOPE    

           The scope of this standard operating procedure includes calibration of BOD Incubator.


3.1    Section Incharge

3.2    Technical Manager

3.3    Q.A. Manager


4.1   Switch on the instrument.

            4.2  Ensure that the temperature indicator / controller is in working condition i.e. the set

        temperature should be maintained/retained properly.

4.3   Ensure that the door of incubator is properly closed and does not loosen during


4.4   Ascertain and set the points/points at which calibration is required.

4.5  Switch on the incubator and allow it to reach the set point temperature.

4.6  Apparatus Required For Calibration:Platinum resistance thermometer  with sensor and

       digital temperature indicator.


4.7.1 Insert the sensor of the reference/calibrator sensor (PRT) in the BOD incubator as near as possible to the sensing tip or sensor of the temperature controller/indicator of the BOD incubator.

4.7.2  When the temperature is stable note down the temperature reading as indicated by

          the BOD incubator and the reference indicator simultaneously.

4.7.3     Set the next point and record the temperature readings accordingly.

4.7.4    Take at least three to four readings for better accuracy and reproducibility.

4.7.5    Correlate the readings observed with the reference standards and apply corrections, if necessary.