Calibration Frequency of the Instruments
All the laboratory instrument has some calibration frequency and it should be calibrated at the same frequency. These calibration frequencies are given below:
1. UV-Visible Spectrophotometer - Quarterly
2. Auto-Titrator -Yearly
3. H.P.L.C. - Quarterly
4. Dissolution Apparatus - Quarterly – Physical
- Half yearly – total
- Half yearly – total
5. Gas chromatograph with ECD - Quarterly
6. Electronic Balance Mettler - Yearly (with intermediate checks)
7. Viscometer Oscillatory - Yearly
8. Flame Photometer- At Each Use
9. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer-At Each Use
10. HPTLC - Yearly
11. Digital EC-TDS Analyser - Yearly
12. Nephlometer - Yearly
13. Dissolve Oxygen Meter (SYSTRONIC)-Yearly
14. Orsat Gas Analyzer- Yearly
15. pH meter -At Each Use
16. TDS Meter - Yearly
17. Dissolution Test Apparatus - Quarterly – Physical
- Half yearly - total
- Half yearly - total
18. Disintegration Test Apparatus- Quarterly
19. Infra-Red, FTIR - Quarterly
20. Karl Fischer Titrator - Quarterly
21.Electronic Balance - Yearly (with intermediate checks)
22. Photofluorimeter - Yearly
23. Polarimeter - Half- Yearly
24. Refractometer - Half- Yearly
25. Electronic Balance - Yearly (with intermediate checks)
26. Visible Spectrophotometer - Quarterly
27. Bomb Calorimeter - Yearly
28. Muffle Furnace - Yearly
29. Antibiotic Zone Reader - Yearly
30. Incubator - Yearly
31. BOD Incubator - Yearly
32. Oven - Yearly
33. Humidity Chamber - Half Yearly
34. Elisa Reader Kit - At Each Use
35. COD Digester - Yearly
36. Balance Citizen 120 gm capacity - Yearly
37. Dry & Wet bulb thermometer - Yearly
38. Liquid –in-glass thermometer - Yearly
39. Hygrometer - Yearly
40. Micro Pipettes - Yearly
41. Cylinder –100, 250 ml - Yearly
42. Disintegration Test Apparatus - Quarterly
43. Dissolution Test Apparatus - Quarterly – Physical
- Half yearly - total
- Half yearly - total
44. Mass Spectrometer - Half-Yearly
45. Polar Microscope - Yearly
46. Liquid in-glass Thermometer - Yearly
47. GC - Yearly
48. Heating Block - Yearly
49. Digital pH Meter - Each Use
50. Refrigerator - Yearly
51. Deep Freezer - Yearly
51. Microwave Reaction System - Yearly
52. Cold Storage room - Yearly
53. Clevenger - Yearly
54. Burette - Yearly
55. Vernier Caliper - Yearly
56. Steel Scale - Yearly
57. Drop Test Apparatus - Yearly
58. Centrifuge Machine - Yearly
59. Opacity Tester - Yearly
60. Real Time PCR - At Each Use
61. Thermal Cycler - Yearly
62. Serological Water Bath - Yearly