Calibration Frequency of the Instruments

Calibration Frequency of the Instruments

Calibration Frequency of the Instruments

All the laboratory instrument has some calibration frequency and it should be calibrated at  the same frequency. These calibration frequencies are given below:
1.  UV-Visible Spectrophotometer - Quarterly
2.  Auto-Titrator -Yearly
3.  H.P.L.C. - Quarterly
4.  Dissolution Apparatus - Quarterly – Physical
                                          - Half yearly – total
5.  Gas chromatograph with ECD - Quarterly
6.  Electronic Balance Mettler - Yearly (with intermediate checks)
7.  Viscometer Oscillatory - Yearly
8.  Flame Photometer- At Each Use
9.  Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer-At Each Use
10. HPTLC - Yearly
11. Digital EC-TDS Analyser - Yearly
12. Nephlometer - Yearly
13. Dissolve Oxygen Meter (SYSTRONIC)-Yearly
14. Orsat Gas Analyzer- Yearly
15. pH meter -At Each Use
16. TDS Meter - Yearly
17. Dissolution Test Apparatus - Quarterly – Physical
                                                  - Half yearly - total
18. Disintegration Test Apparatus- Quarterly
19. Infra-Red, FTIR - Quarterly
20. Karl Fischer Titrator - Quarterly
21.Electronic Balance - Yearly (with intermediate checks)
22. Photofluorimeter - Yearly
23. Polarimeter - Half- Yearly
24. Refractometer - Half- Yearly
25. Electronic Balance - Yearly (with intermediate checks)
26. Visible Spectrophotometer - Quarterly
27. Bomb Calorimeter - Yearly
28. Muffle Furnace - Yearly
29. Antibiotic Zone Reader - Yearly
30. Incubator - Yearly
31. BOD Incubator - Yearly
32. Oven - Yearly
33. Humidity Chamber - Half Yearly
34. Elisa Reader Kit - At Each Use
35. COD Digester - Yearly
36. Balance Citizen 120 gm capacity - Yearly
37. Dry & Wet bulb thermometer - Yearly
38. Liquid –in-glass thermometer - Yearly
39. Hygrometer - Yearly
40. Micro Pipettes - Yearly
41. Cylinder –100, 250 ml - Yearly
42. Disintegration Test Apparatus - Quarterly
43. Dissolution Test Apparatus - Quarterly – Physical
                                                  - Half yearly - total
44. Mass Spectrometer - Half-Yearly
45. Polar Microscope - Yearly
46. Liquid in-glass Thermometer - Yearly
47. GC - Yearly
48. Heating Block - Yearly
49. Digital pH Meter - Each Use
50. Refrigerator - Yearly
51. Deep Freezer - Yearly
51. Microwave Reaction System - Yearly
52. Cold Storage room - Yearly
53. Clevenger - Yearly
54. Burette - Yearly
55. Vernier Caliper - Yearly
56. Steel Scale - Yearly
57. Drop Test Apparatus - Yearly
58. Centrifuge Machine - Yearly
59. Opacity Tester - Yearly
60. Real Time PCR  - At Each Use
61. Thermal Cycler - Yearly
62. Serological Water Bath - Yearly

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