Sources of impurities - Pharmaceutical Analysis 1 B. Pharma 1st semester
Sources of impurities
At the end of this lecture, student will be able to
• Define the terms pharmaceutical chemistry, impurities, official compounds and pharmacopoeia
• Explain the sources of impurities and their effect in pharmaceuticals
• List out tests for purity
• Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry--- is the science that makes use of laws of chemistry to study inorganic substances as drugs …
• Official compound ---- medicinal substances + pharmaceutical aids included in the monograph of latest edition of pharmacopoeia
• Pharmacopoeia---directions and requirements for the preparation of medicine
• Monograph-----complete description of a specific pharmaceutical…
Title, Formula
Category, Dose
Description, Solubility
Limit test
• Pure compound -free from foreign matter
• Impure compound-not free from foreign matter
• Cannot prepare a pure compound
• Can limit the amount
• Drug – Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API)
Effect of Impurities
• Having toxic effect - Lead and arsenic
• Lower the therapeutic activity - Ferrous sulphate- ferric sulphate
• Affect the stability of compound - Digitalis
• In compactable with other substance
• Technical difficulties in the use of substance
KOH + I2 àKIO 3 + H2O + KI
KIO 3 + 3C à 3CO + KI
• Make the substance unhygienic
Sources of Impurities
• Raw materials employed in the manufacturing of the pharmaceutical substance
• Rock salt - preparation of sodium chloride is contaminated with calcium and magnesium chlorides
• Barium and magnesium impurities - calcium minerals
• Reagents used in manufacturing process-- not completely removed
• Method of Manufacture ---
Reagents employed in the manufacturing process
Reagents used to eliminate other impurities
Reaction vessels
• Chemical process used in the manufacture
• Atmospheric contamination during the manufacturing process
2NaOH + CO2 à Na2CO3 + H2O
• Manufacturing hazards
Contamination from the particulate matter
Cross-contamination of the product
Errors in the packaging
Microbial contamination
• Storage condition
Chemical instability
Reaction with container materials
• Accidental substitution or deliberate adulteration
Spurious material
Useless material
Test for purity
• Colour, odour and taste
• Physico-chemical constants
• Acidity, alkalinity and pH
• Insoluble constituent
• Ash value
• Organic impurities
• Pharmaceutical chemistry deals with inorganic drugs, their preparation, chemical nature, and influence on organism
• Pure compounds are free from foreign matter
• Impure compounds contains varying amounts of foreign matter
• Pharmacopoeia is monographs of drugs
• Effect of impurities
Arsenic and lead are harmful impurities
Impurities lower the therapeutic activity
Affects stability of substance