Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology - D. Pharm 1st Year Important Question Answer

Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology - D. Pharm 1st Year Important Question Answer

 Biochemistry and Clinical Pathology

D. Pharm 1st Year Important Question Answer


Q. 1. What are proteins? Classify them with examples

Q. 2. Write short note on water balance.

Q. 3. Enumerate the biological function of magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc & chlorine.

Q. 4. What are essential amino acids? Give examples and mention their significance. 

Q. 5. Describe Urea cycle & write its Significance.

Q. 6. Give the source, biochemical role and deficiency symptoms of vitamin c.

Q. 7. Give the structure of sucrose, maltose along with test to identify them.

Q. 8. What is Transamination & Deamination of amino acids?

Q. 9. Write note on diagnostic and therapeutic applications of enzymes.

Q. 10. What are carbohydrates? Classify them with examples.

Q.11. Describe the function, structure and deficiency disorder of riboflavin.

Q. 12. Write a note on enzyme inhibition.

Q. 13. Write a note on Mutarotation.

Q. 14. Explain denaturation of proteins.

Q. 15. Define and classify vitamins with examples.

Q. 16. write a note on Glucose tolerance test.

Q. 17. What are platelets? List out their functions

Q. 18. Define a) Zwitter Ion, b) Isoelectric PH, c) Saponification Number, d) Iodine Value.

Q.19. Define Epimers & Anomers of carbohydrates with examples.

Q. 20. Write a note on rancidity of oils.

Q. 21. Name the ketone bodies & explain the tests to detect them.

Q.22. What are erythrocytes? Write a note on anaemia & write the abnormalities of RBC’s

Q.23. Write a note on atherosclerosis.

Q.24. What are coenzyme?  Describe the chemistry source, biochemical role and deficiency symptoms of folic acid.

Q.25. Name the different pathway of carbohydrate metabolism. Describe the pathway involved in the oxidation of glucose.

Q.26. Describe the colour reactions of protein and biological role of protein.

Q.27. Discuss glycogenolysis and Glycogenesis with its significance. 

Q.28. Explain the factors affecting enzyme activity.

Q.29. Define & classify lipids with suitable examples.  Write a note on Rancidity.

Q.30. Describe the normal & abnormal constituents of urine including their significance & laboratory tests to detect them.

Q.31. Describe the following with help of chemical reaction a) HMP Shunt Pathway b) Citric Acid Cycle c) β- oxidation of fatty acid

Q.32. Explane Gluconeogenesis.

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