Bhasma and Churna
Bhasma and Churna
• Definition of bhasma and churna
• Method of preparation of Bhasma and churna
• Characteristics of bhasma and churna
At the end of this lecture, student will be able to
• Define bhasma and churna
• Explain the method of preparation of Bhasma and churna
Bhasma is a powder of the substance obtained by calcination
Ø Metal, mineral and animal products are calcinied in closed crucibles in pits with cow dung cakes by special process
Method of Preparation:
Ø Sodhana is a purification process, it is a medicinal purification
Ø Chemical purification eliminates only foreign matter, but Sodhana aims
- To eliminate harmful matter from the drug
- To modify undesirable physical characters of the drug
- To enhance the therapeutic activity of the drug
Types of Sodhana:
Samanya sodhana : Heating of thin sheets of metals by immersing in
taila / gomutra
Visesa sodhana : Four types
Ø Bhavana – Grinding with special decoctions
Ø Svedana – Convert drug into a poultice
Ø Nirvapana – Incinerating to red hot and dipping into taila
Ø Mardana – Triturating /rubbing with some dravyas
Ø Purified drug obtained from sodhana is placed in kalva
Ø Ground with specified quantities of kasaya/swarasa
Ø Resultant material is made into small cakes
Ø Size and thickness of the cakes – Heaviness of the drug
Ø Heavier the drug thinner are the cakes and vice versa
Ø Cakes are dried and placed in a shallow earthen plate and closed with another
Ø Edges are sealed with a clay smeared cloth in seven consecutive layers and again dried
Ø A pit is dug in an open space
Ø Half of the pit is filled with cow dung cakes
Ø Earthen plates holding the cakes of metal/mineral is placed on cow dung cakes
Ø Pit is then completely filled with cow dung cakes
Ø Cow dung cakes are set fire all the four sides and also in the middle of the pit
Ø After burning allowed to cool
Ø Earthen plates are removed and seal is opened
Ø Contents are ground again in kalva into a fine powder
Characters: Bhasma should comply the following
Ø No metallic luster
Ø Float on cold water
Ø Not revert to original state
Ø Very fine, so that it get easily to the finger lines when taken between index finger and thumb
Ø No characteristic taste
Ø Should be stored in airtight glass/earthen containers
Ø Retain its potency indefinitely
Example | Use |
Svarna bhasma | Hrudroga |
Rajata bhasma | Jvara, Buddhimandya |
Churna is a fine powder of drug or drugs
Method of preparation:
Ø Drugs are cleaned and dried properly
Ø Finely powdered and sieved
Ø When more than one drug, each drug is weighed separately according to the formula, powdered and sieved
Ø As some drugs contain more fibrous matter, separate powdering, sieving and mixing is preferred
Ø Certain drugs like camphor, salt and sugar are to be powdered separately and mixed at the end
Ø Drugs like asafoetida are roasted, powdered and mixed at the end
Ø Drugs which are to be taken in the fresh conditions like satavari, guduchi etc are made in to paste, dried and then added to the rest
Ø Should be a very fine powder of at least 80# sieve
Ø Should not be sticky
Ø Should be stored in airtight containers
Example | Use |
Jataphaladya churna | Atisara |
Karpuradi churna | Svasa, ksaya |
Ø Bhasma – calcination process
Ø Metal, mineral drugs
Ø Sodhana and marana
Ø Sodhana – medicinal purification, Bhavana, svedhana, nirvapana and mardana
Ø Kalva, cakes, sealed with clay smeared cloth
Ø Pit, cow dung cakes, fire, cool, grind into a fine powder
Ø Churna – fine powder of drug/s, dried, sieved and finely powdered
Ø Conditions for preparing churna