End Runner Mill / Mechanical Mortar and Pestle - Pharmaceutical Engineering B. Pharm Third Semester PDF Notes
End Runner Mill / Mechanical Mortar and Pestle
Size reduction is done by crushing or compression due to heavy weight of steel pestle. Shearing stress is also involved during the movement of mortar and pestle
• A steel mortar is fixed to a flanged plate
• Underneath the flanged plate, a beveled cog fitting is attached to a horizontal shaft with a pulley
• Dumb bell shaped pestle is flat rather than round
• The pestle carries a hinged arm for emptying and cleaning
The material to be ground is placed in the mortar
The scraper puts the material in the path of the pestle
The mortar revolves at high speed
The pestle is placed in the mortar
The rotating mortar causes the pestle to revolve
Thus size reduction is achieved by shearing as well as crushing
The material is collected and passed through a sieve to get the powder of desired size
Suitable for fine grinding
Not suitable for unbroken drugs