Traditional Indian System of medicine
Traditional Indian System of medicine
Ayurveda System of medicine
The old system of treatment in India.
It is 5500 years old.
Ayurveda believes there are 3 principles 1) cough. 2) Vat. 3) Pitta.
These are responsible to maintain health.
If their equilibrium is disturbed persons suffers from diseases.
Ayurveda cures the cause of disease.
The principles of positive health and therapeutic measures embedded in this system relate to mental, physical, social and spiritual welfare of human beings.
Drugs of Ayurveda are obtained mostly from plants.
Dosage of Ayurveda
1) Bhasma (oxides of metals)
2) Quath (extracts)
3) Gutika (pills)
4) Lep (ointment)
5) Asava & Arishtha (Alcohol containing liquids.)
6) powder.
7) Medicated oils.
Branches of Ayurveda
1. Kayachikitsa (Internal medicine)
2. Kumarbhritya (Pediatrics)
3. Trachchikitsa (Psychological medicine)
4. Shalakya Tantra [(ENT) Ears, Nose & throat]
5. Shalya Tantra (Surgery)
6. Agada tantra (Toxicology)
7. Rasayana tantra (Geriatrics- medicines for the old persons)
8. Vajikaran tantra [Aphrodisiacs, drugs which are sexual stimulants.]
Sidha System of Medicine
The "Siddhas" developed the Sidha system of medicine (Spiritual persons).
It is old than ' Vedic culture ' it belongs to Dravidian culture.
Like Ayurveda the medicines are prepared from plants.
The literature of this system is given in Tamil Language.
Like Ayurveda it believes that all objects in universe are made from five elements. 1) Earth. 2) Water. 3) Sky. 4) Air. & 5) Fire.
Diseases are identified by examination of pulse, voice, colour, of urine, tongue, and shadow. Etc.
The books are written in Tamil.
Naturopathy and Yoga
Naturopathy is not only a system of treatment but it also teaches the way of living.
In naturopathy use of soil and water is important in treatment of diseases mudpacks and steam baths are used.
Fasting is also used to treat diseases.
Yoga consists of two parts: -
1. Exercises (physical postures):
Improves blood circulation in the body.
2. Meditation: consists of
a) Breathing exercise
b) Observance of austerity
c) Physical postures
d) Restraining of sense organ
e) Contemplation
f) Meditation
g) Samadhi
This system helps us to improve physical, mental and social health. It improves personal behavior of the person.