Adulteration of Crude Drugs
Adulteration is a practice of substituting original crude drugs partially or fully with other similar looking substances but the later is either free from or inferior in chemical and therapeutic properties.
A adulteration may also be defined as mixing or substituting the original drug material with other spurious, inferior, defective, spoiled, useless other parts of same or different plant or harmful substances or drug which do not confirm with the official standards.
Types of Adulteration:
Adulteration can be broadly classified into two types
Intentional adulteration:
Intentional adulteration is mainly encouraged by traders because these original crude drugs are highly costly. So hence they use cheaper variety to reduce the cost burdane and to gain profit.
Accidental adulteration:
Accidental adulteration occurs without bad intention of the manufacturers or suppliers mainly it occurs during collection of drugs because of same morphological features between two plants.
Methods of Adulteration
There are seven types of adulteration methods. They are: Substitution with the sub-standard commercial verities Substitution with artificially manufactured drug Substitution by exhausted drugs
Substitution by superficially similar but cheaper natural substances
Substitution by the addition of worthless materials
Substitution by the addition of synthetic substance
Substitution of the different part of the plants