Preparation and Standardization of Various Molar and Normal Solution

Preparation and Standardization of Various Molar and Normal Solution

Preparation and Standardization of 0.1 N  NaOH  Solution.


Preparation of 0.1 N  NaOH  Solution.


Dissolve 4.1gm of sodium Hydroxide ‘pallets’ in water to make up to 1000 ml. a volumetric flask.



Standardization of 0.1 N  NaOH  Solution.


Weigh 0.2gm of potassium hydrogen phthalate (PHP), which previously dried at 120oC for four hours, in a conical flask


Dissolve it with distilled water.


Add 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator and titrate with NaOH. Solution.



Normality =  ____Wt of  PHP (mg) ____

               Vol. of  NaOH used x 204.22


Preparation and Standardization of 0.1N Perchloric acid Solution.

Preparation of 0.1N Perchloric acid Solution.


Mix 8.5 ml. of Perchloric acid with 500 ml. of Glacial acetic and 21 ml. of acetic anhydride, cool and Glacial acetic acid to make 1000ml.

Alternatively mix 11ml of 60% Perchloric acid with 500ml of Glacial acetic and 30ml acetic anhydride, cool and add Glacial acetic acid to make 1000ml.

 Allow the solution to stand for one day for the excess acetic anhydride to be combined.

Carry out determination of water. If water content is more than 0.05%,add more acetic anhydride.

If solution contains no water. Add sufficient water to obtain content between 0.02 to 0.05%.

Standardization of 0.1N Perchloric acid Solution.

Weigh 0.2gm of potassium hydrogen phthalate (PHP), which previously dried at 120oC for four hours, in a dry conical flask

Dissolve it with anhydrous Glacial acetic acid.

Add 2-3 drops of crystal violet indicator and titrate with Perchloric acid solution.


Normality =  __        __      Wt. of  PHP (mg.) ____

                   Vol. of  Perchloric acid used x 204.22


Preparation and Standardization of 0.1 N

 Sodium Nitrite Solution.


Preparation of 0.1 N Sodium Nitrite Solution.

Dissolve 25gm of sodium thiosulphate and 0.2gm of sodium carbonate in carbon-dioxide-free water and dilute to 1000 ml with the same solvent.


Standardization of 0.1 N Sodium Nitrite Solution.

Weigh 0.2 gm of sulphunilic acid in conical flask.

Dissolve it with distilled water if necessary warm and cool,

Add 3gm. of potassium bromide and carry out nitrite titration.


Normality =  ____Wt of  sulphnilic acid (mg) ____

                    Vol. of  Sodium Nitrite used x 173.19

Preparation and Standardization of 0.05 M Disodium EDTASolution

Preparation of 0.05 M Disodium EDTA Solution

Dissolve 18.62gm. of di-sodium acetate in sufficient water to produce 1000ml.


Standardization of 0.05 M Disodium EDTA Solution 

Weigh accurately 0.1 gm of magnesium sulphate in a conical flask

Dissolve it with distilled water

Add 10.0ml. ammonia- ammonium buffer pH-10.0, erichrom black-T indicter and titrate with EDTA solution. 

Normality =  ____Wt of Magnesium Sulphate (mg) ____

                           Vol. of EDTA Solution used X 246.47


Preparation and Standardization of 0.1 N

 Iodine Solution

Preparation of 0.1 N Iodine Solution

Dissolve about 14 gm of iodine in solution of 35 gm. potassium iodine in 100 ml. of water,

Add three drops of hydrochloric acid

Dilute with water to 1000ml.   

Standardization of 0.1 N Iodine Solution

Weigh accurately 40.0 mg. of Arsenic trioxide (which previously dried at 1050C for 2 hours)  in a conical flask

Add 10ml 1.0 M NaOH solution, 

Add 25ml distilled water

Add 3-4drops methyl red indicator 

Neutralized with 1.0 N Hcl solution

Add 3gm. of sodium carbonate

Add 3-4 ml of starch indicator and titrate with Iodine solution.


Normality =  ____Wt of  Arsenic trioxide (mg) ____

                       Vol. of  Iodine Solution used x 246.47


Preparation and Standardization of 0.1 N Sodium thiosulphate.


Preparation of 0.1 N Sodium thiosulphate. 

Dissolve about 26 gm. of sodium thiosulphate and 0.2 gm of sodium carbonate in 1000ml of water.

Standardization of 0.1 N Sodium thiosulphate.      

Weigh accurately about 100 gm of potassium iodide and dissolve in 50ml of water.

Add 2Gm of potassium iodide and 10ml of 1N hydrochloric acid

Titrate with the sodium thiosulphate solution using starch solution added towards the end of the titration.

End point reached when blue colour is discharged.       



                              Wt of  KIO3 (mg.)

Normality =         --------------------------------------

                Vol. of  Na2S2O3 used X 35.67

Preparation and Standardization of  0.1 N Potassium permanganate.


Preparation of  0.1 N Potassium permanganate.


Weigh 15.8 gm. of potassium permanganate in 1000ml. volumetric flask and dilute to 400 ml of distilled water,

Heat on a water bath for one hour and allow to cool and make up the volume up to 1000ml with distilled water,

Allow to stand for two days and filter through the Glass wool.


Standardization of  0.1 N Potassium permanganate


Take 25ml of the potassium permanganate solution in stoppered conical flask

Add 2gm. of potassium iodide, followed by 10ml 1M H2SO4  solution.

Titrate the librated iodine with 0.1M sodium thiosulphate, using 3ml. Of starch indicator added towards 

The end of the titration. Perform a blank-determination and make any necessary correction.



25 X Normality  KMnO4 =  volume of sodium thiosulphate used  x Normality of sodium thiosulphate 

 Preparation and Standardization of Various Molar and Normal Solution PDF



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