Limit Test

Limit test is defined as quantitative or semi quantitative test designed to identify and control smallquantities of impurity which is likely to be present in the substance.

Limit test is generally carried out to determine the inorganic impurities present in compound.

Limit test is nothing butto identify the impurities present in the substance and compare it with standard. 

Limit = a value or amount that is likely to be present in asubstance

Test = to examine or to investigate

Impurities = a foreign matter present in a compound

Importance of Limit tests

To find out the harmful amount of impurities

To find out the avoidable/unavoidable amount of impurities.

Limit test for Chlorides


Limit test of chloride is based on the reaction of solublechloride with silver nitrate in presence of dilute nitric acid to form silver chloride, which appears as solid particles (Opalescence) in thesolution.


Test sample

Standard compound

Specific weight of compound is dissolved


in water or solution is prepared as directed in the pharmacopoeia and transferred in Nessler cylinder

Take 1ml of 0.05845 % W/V solution of sodium


chloride in Nessler cylinder

Add 1ml of nitric acid

Add 1ml of nitric acid

Dilute to 50ml in Nessler cylinder

Dilute to 50ml in Nessler cylinder

Add 1ml of AgNO3 solution

Add 1ml of AgNO3 solution

Keep aside for 5 min

Keep aside for 5 min

Observe the Opalescence/Turbidity

Observe the Opalescence/Turbidity


The opalescence produce in sample solution should not be greater than standard solution. 

If opalescence produces in sample solution is less than the standard solution, the sample will pass thelimit test of chloride and visaversa.



Nitric acid is added in the limit test of chloride to make solution acidic and helps silver chloride precipitate to make solution turbid at the end of process.

Limit test for Sulphates


 Limit test of sulphate is based on the reaction of soluble sulphate with barium chloride in presence of dilute hydrochloric acid to form barium sulphate which appears as solid particles (turbidity) in thesolution.


Test sample

Standard compound

Specific weight of compound is dissolved


in water or solution is prepared as directed in the pharmacopoeia and transferred in Nessler cylinder

Take 1ml of 0.1089 % W/V solution of potassium


sulphate in Nessler cylinder

Add 2ml of dilute hydrochloric acid

Add 2ml of dilute hydrochloric acid

Dilute to 45 ml in Nessler cylinder

Dilute to 45 ml in Nessler cylinder

Add 5ml of barium sulphate reagent

Add 5ml of barium sulphate reagent

Keep aside for 5 min

Keep aside for 5 min

Observe the Turbidity

Observe the Turbidity

Bariumsulphate reagent contains barium chloride, sulphate free alcohol and small amount of potassium sulphate.


Theturbidity produce in sample solution should not be greater than standard solution. If turbidity produces in sample solution is less than the standard solution, the sample will pass the limit test of sulphate and vice versa.



Hydrochloric acid helps to make solution acidic. Potassium sulphate is used to increase the sensitivity of thetest by giving ionic concentration in the reagent. 

Alcohol helps to prevent super saturation.

Limit test forIron


Limit test of Iron is based on the reaction of iron in ammonical solution with thioglycollic acid in presence of citric acid to form iron thioglycolate which is pale pink to deep reddish purple in colour.


Test sample

Standard compound

Sample is dissolved in specific amount


of water and then volume is made up to


40 ml

2 ml of standard solution of iron diluted with water upto



Add 2 ml of 20 % w/v of citric acid


(iron free)

Add 2 ml of 20 % w/v of citric acid (iron free)

Add 2 drops of thioglycollic acid

Add 2 drops of thioglycollic acid

Add ammonia to make the solution


alkaline and adjust the volume to 50 ml

Add ammonia to make the solution alkaline and adjust


the volume to 50 ml

Keep aside for 5 min

Keep aside for 5 min

Color developed is viewed vertically


and compared with standard solution

Color developed is viewed vertically and compared with


standard solution

Earlier aamoniumthiocyanate reagent was used for the limit test of iron. Since thioglycolic acid is more sensitive reagent, it has replaced ammonium thiocyanate in the test.



The purple color produce in sample solution should not be greater than standard solution. If purple color produces in sample solution is less than the standard solution, the sample will pass the limit test of iron and vice versa.



Citric acid helps precipitation of iron by ammonia by forming a complex with it.

Limit test for Heavy Metals




Limit test of heavy metals is based on the reaction of metallic impurities with hydrogen sulfide in acidic medium to form brownish colour solution. Metals that responseto this test are   lead,   mercury bismuth,   arsenic,   antimony tin,   cadmium,   silver,   copper,   and molybdenum.

The metallic impurities in substances are expressed as parts of lead per million parts of the substance. The usual limit as per Indian Pharmacopoeia is 20ppm


The Indian Pharmacopoeia has adopted three methods for the limit test of heavy metals.

Method I: Use for the substance which gives clear colorless solution under the specific condition.

Test sample

Standard compound

Solution is prepared as per the


monograph and 25 ml is transferred in


Nesslers cylinder

Take 2 ml of standard lead solution and dilute to


25 ml with water

Adjust the pH between 3 to 4 by adding


dilute acetic acid ‘Sp’ or dilute ammonia solution ‘Sp’

Adjust the pH between 3 to 4 by adding dilute


acetic acid ‘Sp’ or dilute ammonia solution ‘Sp’

Dilute with water to 35 ml

Dilute with water to 35 ml

Add freshly prepared 10 ml of hydrogen


sulphide solution

Add freshly prepared 10 ml of hydrogen sulphide



Dilute with water to 50 ml

Dilute with water to 50 ml

Allow to stand for five minutes

Allow to stand for five minutes

View downwards over a white surface

View downwards over a white surface



Thecolor produce in sample solution should not be greater than standard solution. If color produces in sample solution is less than the standard solution, the sample will pass the limit test of heavy metals and vice versa. 

Limit test for Lead


Lead  is  a  most  undesirable  impurity in  medical  compounds  and  comes  through  use  of sulphuric acid, lead lined apparatus and glass bottles use for storage of chemicals.



Limit test of lead is based on the reaction of lead and diphenylthiocabazone (dithizone) in alkaline solution to form lead dithizone complex which is read in color.

Dithizone is green in color in chloroform and lead-dithizone complex is violet in color, so the resulting color at the end of process is red.


Test sample

Standard compound

A known quantity of sample solution is


transferred in a separating funnel

A standard lead solution is prepared equivalent to the


amount of lead permitted in the sample under examination

Add 6ml of ammonium citrate

Add 6ml of ammonium citrate

Add 2 ml of potassium cyanide and 2 ml


of hydroxylamine hydrochloride

Add 2 ml of potassium cyanide and 2 ml of


hydroxylamine hydrochloride

Add 2 drops of phenol red

Add 2 drops of phenol red

Make solution alkaline by adding


ammonia solution.

Make solution alkaline by adding ammonia solution.

Extract with 5 ml of dithizone until it


becomes green

Extract with 5 ml of dithizone until it becomes green

Combine dithizone extracts are shaken


for 30 mins with 30 ml of nitric acid and the chloroform layer is discarded

Combine dithizone extracts are shaken for 30 mins


with 30 ml of nitric acid and the chloroform layer is discarded

To the acid solution add 5 ml of standard


dithizone solution

To the acid solution add 5 ml of standard dithizone



Add 4 ml of ammonium cyanide

Add 4 ml of ammonium cyanide

Shake for 30 mins

Shake for 30 mins

Observe the color

Observe the color



Theintensity of the color of complex, is depends on the amount of lead in the solution. 

The color  produce in  sample solution  should  not  be  greater than  standard  solution.  

If  color produces in sample solution is less than the standard solution, the sample will pass the limit test of lead and vice versa.



Ammonium citrate, potassium cyanide, hydroxylamine hydrochlorideis used to make pH

optimum so interference and influence of other impurities have been eliminated.

Pharmaceutical Impurities and Limit Test Notes PDF

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