SOP on Shift End Cleaning of Double Cone Blender
1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes the procedure for the cleaning of double cone blender.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to operating staff of the production department.
3.0 Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the Production Supervisor to ensure that the procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment:
4.01 Lint free cloth
4.02 Teepol solution (10ml 1liter water) or Liquid Soap solution (10g 1 liter water).
4.03 Isopropyl Alcohol, 70%v/v
5.0 Procedure:
5.01 The main switch of the double cone mixer should be put off.
5.02 Set the blender in a vertical position.
5.03 Clean the blender from out side with a dry duster first and then with a moist duster soaked in warm water.
5.04 Open the safety guards of the blender and remove the circular lid and gasket.
5.05 Keep an SS container below the blender.
5.06 First wash the inside surface of the blender with hot tap water and drain out the water.
5.07 After initial washing, clean inside surface of the blender with teepol solution or liquid soap solution.
5.08 Wash inside of the blender with sufficient water to remove the traces of teepol or liquid soap.
5.09 Finally rinse with DM Water.
5.10 Send the wash water for analysis of residual active ingredients of previous product.
5.11 Mop the surfaces of the blender with a cloth soaked in 70% Isopropyl Alcohol.
5.12 Allow the equipment dry in air and cover it and put a label “Cleaned” or “Ready for Use”.