SOP on Cleaning of SS container 30kg.

SOP on Cleaning of SS container 30kg.

SOP on Cleaning of SS container 30kg.

1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes the procedure for cleaning of SS Container 30kg.

2.0 Scope: This SOP is applicable to SS container 30kg.

3.0 Responsibility: It is the responsibility of operating staff to ensure that the procedure is followed.

4.0 Materials and Equipment: 

4.01 Brush/Scrubber
4.02 SS Mug
4.03 Teepol solution (10ml  1liter water) or Liquid Soap solution (10g  1 liter water).
4.04 Isopropyl Alcohol (70%)

5.0 Procedure:
5.01 Take the SS container to washing area.
5.02 To the container add 2 liter of diluted teepol solution or liquid soap solution and scrub the inner and outer surfaces with a scrubber.
5.03 Drain out the water.
5.04 Wash the SS container with running tap water for 5 minutes and drain the washings.
5.05 Again wash the SS container with running tap water for 5 minutes and drain the washings.
5.06 Wash the container with 5 liter purified water and drain the washings.
5.07 Send the wash water for analysis of residual active ingredients of previous product.
5.08 Mop the surfaces of the SS container with cloth soaked in 70% Isopropyl Alcohol.
5.09 Let the equipment dry in air, cover it and put a label ‘Cleaned, Ready for Use’.