SOP on Label and Cartons Control & Issuance
1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes a system for complete and accurate control of all final product label and cartons.
2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to all final product labels / cartons that are used in the labelling and packing department.
3.0 Responsibility:
3.1 Incharge packing material store to issue correct material and correct quantity of labels and cartons.
3.2 Production Chemist to confirm for identity and correct quantity of labels and cartons.
3.3 Senior Production Chemist to ensure that procedure is followed.
4.0 Materials and Equipment:
Storage boxes
Secure storage location for labels / cartons
5.0 Procedure:
5.1 Prepare an issued label control form on receipt of a request from the Sr. Production Chemist for labels of a specific product.
5.2 Prepare required and extra labels for each request.
5.3 Verify the label / carton count by stores supervisor & put in label / carton control boxes.
5.4 Complete label reconciliation form.
5.5 Deliver t labels / cartons to Sr. Production Chemist along with a copy of request form.
5.6 When additional labels / cartons are required, Sr. Production Chemist request the required number of additional labels / cartons on requisition form.
5.7 At the end of batch packing return any unused labels / cartons to label secure storage or destroy them.
5.8 Label reconciliation – When packing is finished, labeling & packing supervisor / chemist completes issued label / carton control form by filling in the number of labels / cartons used for following items –
number used for issued label / carton
number used for boxes
number used for final containers
number damaged during labelling operations or unused labels / cartons
6.0 Total number of labels / cartons used and destroyed must equal the total number printed and issued.