List of documents required for Company Incorporation in India
List of documents required for Company Incorporation in India
Details of at-least two Directors / Promoters of
the company for obtaining DIN (Director’s
Identifications Number)
Complete Name
Address (including City, State, Pin Code,
Date of Birth
Photograph of every proposed Director. (Scanned
photograph will do)
Copy of Passport as a proof of identity and copy
of Electricity Bill / Telephone Bill / Bank
Statement / Driving License as a proof of
address. (Scanned copy will do)
Thereafter a provisional DIN would be obtained
from the Ministry of Company Affairs and a
copy would be send for obtaining signature of
the applicant. In case of foreign residents the
documents i.e. DIN Form, Proof of Identity and
Proof of Residence have to be attested by
notary of the home country.
Details of proposed company to be incorporated
THREE Proposed names of the company in order
of preference.
Main objects of the proposed company.