
Schedules to the rules




Performa for forms( Application, issue, renewal, etc.) manufacture for sale/distribution of Allopathic drugs, Loan Licence, re-packing for sale, operate a Blood Bank , manufacture for sale or for distribution of LVPs etc


Rates of fee for test or analysis by CDL or Govt. analysts


List of Biological and special products (Injectables) applicable to special provisions. Sera.

Solution of serum proteins intended for injection, Vaccines for parenteral injections. Toxins, Antigen.



List of Biological and special products (non-parenteral) applicable to special provisions. Ergot preparations, Adrenaline, Fish liver oil,  Vaccines etc


List of drugs that are exempted from provisions of import


List of poisonous substances under the Ayurvedic , Siddha and Unani systems 


Provisions  applicable to blood bank




Special provision applicable to biological and special products, eg. Bacterial and viral vaccines, sera from living animals, bacterial origin diagnostic agents


Standards for surgical dressings, Gauze or other dressings used to cleanse a wound, Skin sealants or barriers, Solutions used to moisten gauze


Standards for sterilized umbilical tapes


Standards for ophthalmic preparations


List of substances required to be used  under medical supervision and labelled accordingly


List of substances (prescription) that should be sold by retail only on prescriptions of R.M.P.




List of diseases and ailments that drug should not claim to cure. AIDS, Angina Pectoris, Appendicitis, Arteriosclerosis, Blindness, Blood poisoning, Bronchial asthma, Cancer and benign tumour, Cataract, Spondylitis, Stammering, Stones in gall-bladder, kidney, bladder, Vericose vein


List of drugs that are exempted from certain provisions regarding manufacture. Analgesic Balms, Antacid preparations, Gripe Water for use of infants, Inhalers, containing drugs for treatment of cold and nasal congestion, Syrups, lozenges, pills and tablets for cough,  Liniments for external use, Skin ointments and ointments for burns,  Absorbent cotton wool, bandages absorbent guaze and adhesive plaster.


Requirements of manufacturing premises, GMP  requirements  of factory premises, plants and equipments


Requirements of factory premises for manufacture of Homeopathic medicines


Requirements of factory premises for manufacture  of cosmetics


Requirements of factory premises for manufacture  of medical devices


List of equipment to run a Pharmacy




Standards for disinfectant fluids


Life period(expiry) of drugs


Coal tar colors permitted to be used in cosmetics. Guinea GreenB, Tartrazine, Sunset yello FCF, Amaranth, Erythrosine etc


Standards for mechanical contraceptives


Standards for medical devices


Standards for cosmetics


Requirements (GMP) of factory premises for Ayurvedic, Siddha,  Unani drugs




Manufacturing and analytical records of drugs


Manufacturing and analytical records of cosmetics


Standards for patent or proprietary medicines


List of drugs marketed under generic names- Omitted


List of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances


Requirement and guidelines on clinical trials for import and manufacture of new drugs