SOP on Handling of Expired Goods

SOP on Handling of Expired Goods

SOP on Handling of Expired Goods

1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes the method for handling of expired finished products.

2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to Quality Control Chemist.

3.0 Responsibility:  Quality Control Manager to ensure that the procedure is followed.

4.0 Materials and Equipment: 
 Effluent treatment plant

5.0 Procedure:
5.01 The Quality Control Chemist is designated to periodically check the retained samples & other products for shelf life & segregate those whose storage period after expiry has or about to cross.
5.02 The Chemist record the details of the product expired in an appropriate document and initiate action to authorize disposal.
5.03 Upon authorization for disposal, the contents of the individual container of the date expired product should be emptied into a suitable receptacle labelled “Waste – For Disposal”.
5.04 In the case of dry dosage forms, product container is emptied in a receptacle containing water, so that the product is not in its original form and any misuse is prevented. 
5.05 All empty containers with paper labels are collected in a bin containing water, so that the labels are peeled off and the empty containers can not be reused by anyone with the original label.
5.06 All empty containers having permanently printed or embossed labeling matter are crushed or the labeling suitably obliterated to prevent reuse.
5.07 All the liquid materials are treated in effluent treatment plant and disposed of suitably thereafter. 
5.08 The solid waste like aluminium foils, cartons etc. are cut into pieces and disposed off in scrap.
5.09 Records are maintained and signed by the authorized persons.