Size Separation - Pharmaceutical Engineering B. Pharm Third Semester PDF Notes
Size Separation
Contents of this session
• Introduction to size separation
• Objectives and applications of size separation
• Size separation techniques
• Sedimentation and Elutriation techniques
• Bag filter, Air separator & Cyclone separator
Learning objectives
At the end of this PDF lecture student will be able to:
• Explain the various techniques of size separation
• Discuss the applications of size separation in pharmaceutical formulations
• Explain the Andreasen’s technique of size separation
• Recommend the suitability of sedimentation or elutriation method of size separation
• Discuss the principle in the size separation process of particles using bag filters
• Size separation is an unit operation that involves the separation of a mixture of various sizes of particles into two or more portions by means of screening surface
• Types of separation includes diffusional and mechanical separation
• Sieve number can be defined as the number of meshes present in a linear length of 2.54 cm
• Centrifugal force is used to separate the solids from fluids. The separation depends not only on the particle size but also on the density of particles
• Bag filters are used for removing fines, which cannot be separated by other methods
• In sedimentation technique, the particles move towards the gravitational force and vice-versa in Elutriation technique