
 Pharmacy and Health care system

• Pharmacy and health care system

• In pharmacy is an integral and essential part of health care system.

• In olden days man developed remedies based on experience.

• Then physician use to diagnose the disease and treat then in an improvised manner the pharmacy was not in existence.

• Hindu system of medicine began with Atharveda followed by "Ayurveda" and "Rigveda"

• The Ayurvedic system was greatly affected by "Unani" and Tibat system which was brought by Muslims in India.

• The Britishers brought the most popular system of medicine "Allopathic system" with the advancement of Allopathic system in India, medicines and pharmacy profession got separated.

• A physician prepared his own medicine. Somewhat the family member of the patient also we are asked to prepare the remedies from medicinal plants.

• Pharmacy occupasion is an important positions in the health care system. The pharmacist

should be well equipped with knowledge of drugs and their handling system and legal aspects as well as principal of the qualities assure applied to medicine, price, structure of medicine product.

• They provide a link between physician and patient which are advice the patient with a minor illness.

The profession of pharmacy in our country presently consists of.

1)   Industries Pharmacists

2)   Hospital Pharmacists

3)   Academic Pharmacists

4)   Community Pharmacists

Pharmacist has to play an important role in the Area's such as -


     Storage and distribution of drugs

     Drugs choice

     Drug monitoring

     Information and education

     Clinical Pharmacokinetics

     Research and development

Pharmacy Council of India (PCI)

• PCI has considered the pharmacy educations (D.Pharma, B.Pharma, M.Pharma) introduce (D.Pharma) such as Hospital & Clinical Pharmacy the knowledge of which will definitely help the pharmacy contributing to the national health.

• In the chain of health care the pharmacist is responsible for insuring that the right patient is receiving right medicine in the dose for the right condition in right frequency and hence pharmacist is considered as the integral part of the health care system.

Principal and Significance of professional Ethics.

Definition of Law’s:-Law is the sets of rules and regulation to control, conduct of human individual in society.

Law is statutory binding on every person in the state or nation.

Law are mandatory, violation of which may result in punishment in term of fine or imprisonment or both.

Ethics: - It means science of moral or "code of moral principles"

Pharmaceutical Ethics: - This ethics was related to pharmacy profession is called pharmaceutical Ethics.

Pharmaceutical code of Ethics: - The pharmacy council of India has developed code of pharmaceutical Ethics for Pharmacists. It is the code of moral principles which are to be followed by the pharmacist while dealing with patrons, public, Fellow Pharmacists and members of medical professions.

Pharmaceutical Ethics are moral binding on pharmacist as regard to their conduct behaviour, character and obesity.

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