SOP on Storage of Materials

1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes the guidelines for storage of materials in stores.

2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to all personnel working in stores. 

3.0 Responsibility: Production Manager to ensure that procedure is followed.

4.0 Materials and Equipment: As required

5.0 Procedure: 

5.1 Materials are stored in store room at pallets, shelves, racks and open place.
5.2 Materials are stored in bins, drums, racks for purpose of economic use of storage space and efficient handling of materials.
5.3 Materials are stored till they are requisitioned by Production Chemists for the specific jobs. Stored materials are issued to respective Production Chemist  for job against authorized materials requisition
5.4 Stored materials are pending for issue should be preserved till they are issued. Proper and adequate storage facilities are provided for all types of materials according to their specific requirements
5.5 Storage area are cleaned regularly.
5.6 Entry to storage area is restricted to authorized persons only.