SOP on Sampling of Raw Materials

SOP on Sampling of Raw Materials

SOP on Sampling of Raw Materials
(General Requirements)

1.0 Purpose: This SOP describes the general requirement for sampling of raw materials.

2.0 Scope: This SOP applies to Quality Control Chemists.

3.0 Responsibility: Quality Control Manager is responsible for ensuring that this procedure is followed.

4.0 Materials and Equipment: None

5.0 Procedure: In drawing , preparing , storing and handling test samples, following precautions and directions shall be observed – 

5.1 The sample should be taken in a protected place not exposed to air or dust. 
5.2 The sampling instrument should be clean and dry.
5.3 Precautions should be taken to protect sample, material being sampled, sampling instrument and containers for samples from adventitious contamination.
5.4 To draw a representative sample, contents of each container selected for sampling shall be mixed as thoroughly as possible by suitable means.
5.5 The sample should be placed in clean, suitable containers on which material has no action.
5.6 Each sample container should be marked with full details of sampling, date of sampling, batch no. and code number etc.
5.7 The sample should be stored in such a manner that temperature of material does not vary unduly from normal atmospheric condition.
5.8 The sampling should be done only by authorized personnel.